Information on Virtual or Campus Visits

I do virtual and F2F keynotes and workshops on a range of topics derived from my books:

Teaching with AI (new in 2024)

Teaching Change

Teaching Naked

Inclusive Teaching

Nudges & Student Success

I also do more specialized talks and workshops:

New Faculty Workshop: From Syllabus to Assessment

Teaching as BIPOC Faculty

Assessment as Strategy: You are what you measure

Curriculum Reboot (Departmental or Gen Ed)

Rethinking Learning Spaces

Building Innovation into Campus Culture

Complete abstracts, learning outcomes and even more topics are listed below followed by fees and other information. You can also see sample handouts and videos at

I will customize for your campus once I understand what outcomes you hope will follow my visit. I want to be your stealth advocate.

Sample abstracts and blurbs for each are here.

Planning a Campus or Virtual Visit

The most impact comes from a combination of (a) a general keynote to build motivation, and engagement with the widest group (b) a longer more interactive workshop (2-5 hours) that can also be open to as large a group as you want and (c) a meeting with chairs or administrators to create incentives and nudges for faculty to follow-through. I can do this on your campus or virtually and pre- or post-online sessions also help.

Everything is flexible in length. I provide lots of examples and practical ideas that can be applied tomorrow so I have found that scheduling the workshop just after the keynote can drive more people to the workshop: some of the skeptical will decide there is something to this scholarship of teaching and learning after all and decide to stay.

Generic fees are below, but I can structure a fee and services depending on your needs.  (For a campus music concert or workshop, I have another list.) Most of the time in a campus visit is travel, so bundling several events or sharing with a nearby campus reduce costs.

Further Information

SIZE: There is no limit on the number of participants in either the keynote or the workshop. 

CUSTOMIZATION Sessions will be combined and adjusted to fit your needs.

TIMING: Most sessions can be shortened or extended, although a few minimum lengths are noted for best results. 

SET-UP: Workshops work best with round tables and not lecture seating. I am happy to demonstrate the advantages of your best new classroom, technology or seating.

TECH: For some workshops, participants may be asked to bring a syllabus or a course idea plus a laptop or another device (with internet access). WiFi is required for most sessions.

30% off BOOKS: These discount codes provide for 30% for books purchased directly from the publisher. This code can also be given directly to faculty Both often provide deeper discounts for bulk orders:

Teaching Change: How to Develop Independent Thinkers Using Relationships, Resilience, and Reflection, Code HTWN at

Teaching Naked or Teaching Naked Techniques  Code TNT30

HANDOUTS: You can download or view them here:

VIDEO: You may video the workshop/keynote, but I retain all rights for the content and all rights for distribution beyond your campus.

You can also find information on Music and Student Workshops here. (Collaborating with your Music Department or School can also help spread costs.)

There are also more general sessions on Leadership and Strategy here.

Contact me for fees.